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Olympus Trip MMXIV

The Olympus Trip MD3ST & XB400 revolutionized the late 90s & early2000s when they where released. So futuristic in there ability to "automatically read film DX-coded film & there modern "Red-Eye-Reduction Lamp" that many people never have run across one....JK the Trip was made for cheep people going on holiday. Nowadays you can still run across them from time to time and in no way would I call the Trip a "cult camera" but the Trip does stand out in a few ways, Its cheep, reliable and simple. 

Up until 2014, I use to have a mix bag of film cameras, well I still do but for parties or events what ever the occasion I would pour my bag of film cameras in a bowl and collect them at the end of the night, days later or often some never made it home. The "mix" of cameras where all operated differently some had to have flash turned on some would take pics with the lens cover on and ultimately they were to complicate and half the pics would never come out.


In 2014 I was given a Trip as a gift, well...really more like a "idk what to do with this" kind of gift but I loved its no fills attitude just slide on open and push, no bullshit no drama a true Point & Shoot. I still engrave them with 2 basic directions "Slide On" & "Push". Since then more pics of epic parties came out, people stoped steeling my cameras & more where now trying to buy them off me. 


So here they are the Olympus Trip MD3ST & Trip XB400. This batch is a year old party tested and approved. Hand engraved directions and in honor of the year I was introduced to the Trip, MMXIV (2014) was engraved on the bottom. 

Buy it!
