
Basecamp Ballilogue

Basecamp Balliloge

When I was a kid at birthday parties the parents would hand out "gift bags" as a thanks for showing up, not like it was my choice, the gift should really go to who ever hauled me to the roller rink and back but that’s where my love for swag bags started. Two decades later I had a chance to really make my own thank you bag. 

I had a rough idea, I knew it should all go into one small bag and it should not be filled with crap! I dumped out my 2 milk crates of small bags (over time you will learn bags are my achilles) anyway, I shuffled thru and the only one that stood out was a rad top loading camping style bag from PiCharPaK WorkSHop. This guy makes the most badass gear. Anything from tents to backpacks, he can make it using all types of modern materials. The bag is called the "Jon Sack" but it was too tall for my needs so I got in contact with Jason of PiCharPaK WorkSHop and told him about my project and he said "Yea".


Once I had the bag it all fell into place. The lovely @olinevod designed the logo and we were off to the races. First an enameled mug (cause we all got to drink); a koozie (this confused most of the Europeans - definitely not a thing there; a small note book (I have no good reason for this other than it was aesthetically pleasing); a small mint tin with "essential" overnight party items like earplugs, Advil, Pepto, and condoms; and finally a good deck of cards. There used to be a time when hotels and airlines would give you cards, my grandfather had amassed a huge card collection but long gone are those days. So, in honor of the golden era of travel and also cause I never travel with out a deck, we added it in and the Basecamp Camp Balliloge gift bag was born!

I really can't thank @olinevod & PiCharPaK enough for their epic work!

* This collection was made as giftbags and never sold*